After a long winter, my local patch is slowly filling up with birds returning from wintering grounds.With their return, the place also fills with sound. One species that stands out visually and acousticallyis the Bluethroat Luscinia svecica.While wildlife photographers bother the males for their striking appearance, the wildife soundrecordist can listen and record the countless… Continue reading A little respect
Tag: local field trip
Better Red Deer than …
Before the political situation in the federal state of Saxony changed so much that one hasto deny any connection to it, I felt kind of a certain connection to many areas around thecity of Leipzig. As with any naturalist, my fieldrecording year was determined by the life cycle of nature.The Red Deer Cervus elaphus rut… Continue reading Better Red Deer than …
In the grey zone
In the northern part of Germany, the distribution of the Grey-headed Woodpecker Picus canusshows a larger gap. At the respective edges, the species is consequently found only veryirregularly – the species is a breeding bird only in small numbers very locally. While I was able to observe Grey-headed Woodpeckers regularly during my time in Leipzig,I… Continue reading In the grey zone
European Fire-bellied Toad X summer thunderstorm
June 2022There is not much to say about European Fire-bellied Toads Bombina bombina and thunderstorms.Both are among the most exciting noise sources in nature and for this reason are iconic subjects inFieldrecording like the AB stereo format used here. Here we go.
October 2021The recent history of the Eurasian Wolf Canis lupus in Central Europe, like almost everywhereelse in the world, is also a history of competition, suppression and finally persecution.In superstition, they were portrayed as dangerous to humans directly, they were in fact seenas competitors for food and were therefore killed throughout the area.In addition to… Continue reading Isegrimm
Bluethroat song
June 2020 I am regularly asked how exactly I came to sound recording. The answer is as short as simple: I discovered that there are animal sounds that are very abstract and sound surprisingly artificial. Here my personal interest in synthesising sounds began to fade away… PFR16506, 200410, Bluethroat Luscinia svecia cyanecula, male, song, Germany
Scorched Earth I
July 2019The naturalist’s year is more or less structured by the life cycles of the natural world.Living in a life cycle mostly alienated from nature, it brings with it that only partialinsights into the former are possible. At least once a year, I usually visit a former military training area south of Berlin inorder to… Continue reading Scorched Earth I