Before the political situation in the federal state of Saxony changed so much that one hasto deny any connection to it, I felt kind of a certain connection to many areas around thecity of Leipzig. As with any naturalist, my fieldrecording year was determined by the life cycle of nature.The Red Deer Cervus elaphus rut… Continue reading Better Red Deer than …
Tag: saxony
Leipzig thunderstorm
September 2021Recording sound of a thunderstorm is not an easy thing to do if you value a sound thatis not colored by the reflections of a building or muffled a shelter. There are just too fewdry thunderstorms in the Northern Hemisphere, unfortunately.Tonight there was a really exceptionally long and intense thunderstorm in Leipzig.Since my apartment… Continue reading Leipzig thunderstorm
Common Starling roost
June 2020 At the beginning of April, during a sound recording trip, I accidentally came across a roost of Common Starlings Sturnus v. vulgaris consisting of several hundreds of individuals. During the morning recording session I realised that those songs were differently from those uttered at night. At night the birds arriving at the roost… Continue reading Common Starling roost