Data privacy statement

This privacy policy is intended to inform users of this website about the nature, scope and purpose of the website collection and use of personal data by the website operator Patrick Franke.

The website operator takes your privacy very seriously and handles your personal information confidentially and in accordance with legal regulations. Definitions of terms used (e.g., “personal information” or “processing”) can be found in Art. 4 GDPR.

Access data

We, the website operator or website provider, are collecting based on
our legitimate interest (see Article 6 (1) lit. DSGVO) data on access to
the website and save it as “server log files” on the server of the website.
The following data is logged:

  • Visited website
  • Time of the access
  • Amount of data sent in bytes
  • Source / reference from which you came to the site
  • Browser used
  • Operating system used
  • Used IP address

The server log files are stored for a maximum of 7 days and then deleted.
The storage the data is for security reasons, e.g. to clarify cases of abuse.
If data must be revoked for reasons of proof, it will be exempted from
deletion until the incident is finally resolved.

Range measurement + cookies

This website does not use cookies.

Collection and processing of personal data

Personal data is neither collected nor stored.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is not used.

Use of social media plugins from Facebook

Social media plugins are not used.

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